Storytelling with Melody and Lyrics –

Throughout history singer/songwriters have been weaving their magic for anyone and everyone who will listen.  Minstrels wandering the roads of medieval  Europe, troubadours kept at Court, buskers and rock stars, they all have a story to tell.

A Penny for a Song—

Today, the best of the singer/songwriters are often well rewarded for their talent, but it hasn’t always been so.  In the Dark Ages wandering minstrels were as likely to get stoned as tossed a few pence for their efforts.

Through the Ages –

Regardless of language, style, instrument or popularity, the common thread down through the ages remains the story.  Whether mystery or romance, feats of heroism or topical news, the singer/songwriter always had a story to tell.  This is still very much the case today.

Today’s Musical Magicians –

By way of example, here are three personal faves in no particular order:

There are, of course, many more current singer/songwriters on the scene today and this hardly begins to tell the tale, but you get the idea.  From a gas station attendant that sings Merry Christmas just like Nat King Cole to viruses wearing pumps and pearls, masterful storytelling abounds.  You be the judge.

Better yet, do you have faves of your own you’d care to share?

A Mystery Story –

It may seem like a stretch for a writer of mystery stories like me to go from mystery books to songwriting, but I beg to differ.  For me, it’s all about storytelling—a good story, well told.  And what better way to tell a story than in a song?  Music is my first love with the written word running a close second.  But for now, I’ll stick to my mystery series.  Still, you never know . . .

For more in the paranormal mystery vein, check out the book trailer for Dark Side of Sunset Pointe.

As always, my blatant self-promotion as a mystery writer follows:

Dark Side of Sunset Pointe – A Lance Underphal Mystery is available in e-book & paperback on Amazon.

For more on Michael Allan Scott and the Lance Underphal mystery series, go to

Creative Commons Attribution: Permission is granted to repost this article in its entirety with credit to Michael Allan Scott and a clickable link back to this page.