Dark Pieces of a Paranormal Mystery
Flight of the Tarantula Hawk is the next in the Lance Underphal mystery series. As mystery stories go, it is a dark atmospheric tale of paranormal twists. Flavored with intense [...]
Flight of the Tarantula Hawk is the next in the Lance Underphal mystery series. As mystery stories go, it is a dark atmospheric tale of paranormal twists. Flavored with intense [...]
Reading Habits of a Mystery Writer— When I read fiction, which is almost every night, it's in bed and I'm usually in the midst of three or four books, [...]
The Terror by Dan Simmons - This is my first read of aDan Simmons work. And at first I was skeptical. In the beginning The Terror seemed ponderous—potentially another [...]
Professionalism -Peoples' motivations for writing fiction are as numerous and varied as the writers themselves. In my estimation, those who write for the sheer joy of creating have already succeeded, [...]
Mood Music – A Mystery Writer's Soundtrack -In my view, everything goes better with music, including writing mystery stories. And I'm not the only mystery writer that listens to music [...]