One More Grey Daze Excerpt
Pounding on the Publisher’s Door – Grey Daze, the third book in the Lance Underphal Mystery series, spins a murder into new realms of gritty realism, paranormal mystery, and [...]
Pounding on the Publisher’s Door – Grey Daze, the third book in the Lance Underphal Mystery series, spins a murder into new realms of gritty realism, paranormal mystery, and [...]
Peering Into the Chasm – The third book in the Lance Underphal mystery series, Grey Daze, is another hardcore paranormal mystery novel. While still a murder mystery, it’s a [...]
Work In Progress –Grey Daze is the third book in the Lance Underphal mystery series, another hardcore paranormal mystery. Constructing mystery books is a multi-step process, requiring the attention and [...]
A Mystery Writer’s Nature – Like most authors, writing mysteries and thrillers isn’t all I enjoy. Imagination, fired by aesthetics—the creative process—the beauty and wonder of life, it’s all [...]
wherever i may find her - passion fires her eyes - burning brighter than a thousand suns - whimsy twinkles there, too - darting through stars to hide, then [...]
My Art Is My Business – Most of my posts are mainly for readers to enjoy, so bear with me while I digress. Hopefully, you’ll find this peek behind [...]
Storytelling with Melody and Lyrics – Throughout history singer/songwriters have been weaving their magic for anyone and everyone who will listen. Minstrels wandering the roads of medieval Europe, troubadours [...]
The Art of the Book Cover – Book cover art has a long illustrious history, dating back to the very first books. An integral part of books, cover art [...]
Gored by the Horns of a Dilemma – Last night, when I pushed back from my latest manuscript in progress, I left my character dangling, somehow incomplete. She's not as [...]
Sometimes the Truth Hurts - As a mystery writer, I marvel at exquisite prose. And Rachel's prose dazzles, running the gamut from in-your-face to an angel's chorus—doing it eloquently. [...]